July 3, 2019
Pearl’s surgery is scheduled for July 15th!
She will be spayed, have several skin tags removed, and get her teeth cleaned. She will also get a few rotten teeth extracted. We appreciate your donations so very much.
Because of you, Pearl will get the care she needs. Follow along here for updates.
Pearl says thank you!
July 2, 2019
We reached our fundraising goal for Pearl! Thank you so very much to those of you who donated! We couldn’t do it without your support. And thank you for all the well wishes and prayers for little Pearl. She is well on her way to recovery.

Her foster mom, Robyn, will be scheduling her surgery soon, and we will update you and let you know how Pearl is doing. Thank you again, so very much! We appreciate you, and Pearl says thank you!
July 1, 2019
You will remember this little gal from her posts earlier this Summer (see below). Pearl was pulled from a shelter in San Antonio in May. The volunteers described her as a dog who could be the poster child for abuse and neglect. Her foster mom, Robyn, said that in the 20 years she has worked with Russell Rescue, Pearl is one of the 2 most damaged dogs we have ever taken in. Pearl was riddled with infections on every part of her body. She was raw, sore, weak, sick and demoralized. She has now recovered enough that we can have her spayed, remove all the skin tags, and get a dental. Her little eyes are damaged from having “dry eye”. She will always need drops, but her eyes don’t need to be removed, as we had first thought. Pearl is the sweetest and friendliest girl. Her little tail wags all the time. We are hopeful that she will make a full recovery! But we need your help to make that possible!
The vet estimates that the bill for Pearl’s spay surgery, skin tag removal and dental will be around $500. Pearl is a sweet little gal who deserves a chance at a healthy life. She is only about 4 years old, so she has a long life ahead of her.
Check out the photos and videos of Pearl. As you can see, she has made great progress since May. Her foster mom has given her lots of good food, good medicine and a lot of TLC. But little Pearl has a long way to go before we can begin the process of finding her a forever family. Pearl must get the surgery she needs before she can be adopted.
Can you please help our girl get this life changing surgery by donating? No amount is too small…it all adds up! You can donate at www.russellrescue.com with PayPal and all major credit cards. Please notate that your donation is for Pearl in the name field.
Russell Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations made to Russell Rescue, Inc. are tax-deductible to the contributor. Follow along here for updates. Thank you from Pearl!

May 31, 2019
We got an update on Pearl this week from her foster mom, Robyn! Read below to see how she is doing! We will update again soon!
“First: I got to have a bath. Aunt Foster used that smelly shampoo, but it feels real good to be brushed-scrubbed all over real gently in warm, soapy water. Then we went to the vet, (I didn’t like that! Blood tests, ow, ow, ow!!!) But THEN! Because I was so good, we went to WalMart and I got to ride in the basket and we got a treat and got some pets and rubs from real nice people. We had a treat at the bakery section, YUM!! Whew, I am worn out! My main man, Dr. C. says I am doing well, but still have a long way to go.”
May 20. 2019
We got a couple new pics today from Pearl’s foster mom, Robyn. She says Pearl is doing very well. She has settled in and made herself right at home. Pearl’s skin is looking much better after 3 sulfur shampoos and one sulfur dip. Pearl has discovered that she can jump up on the bed and really enjoys rolling around in the soft blankets.
Here she is this morning after breakfast. All that eating and playing made her tired! Overall, she is doing much better. Pearl goes back to see Dr. C in another week for a follow up and to determine what needs to be done about her eye issues. She also will need to be spayed and have a few moles removed. But, she is well on her way to recovery!
We will continue to keep you posted on Pearl’s progress.